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[Limited Time Offer]

FREE Personalized Gift Cards!

No more boring thank you's, gift this personalized gift card instead of just saying thanks! 

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GiftAFeeling - Sample Gift Card

Make Money, Get Discounts, And Share FREE Gifts With Friends!

Here's how it works:

1) Register for a personalized coupon with up to 25% discount or $20 gift for FREE. The coupon can be called "GIFT-FROM-your_name". For example, "GIFT-FROM-ALEX". 

2) Now, you can gift this coupon to anyone. The person who buys using your personalized coupon will get a 25% discount or $20 (depending on what you choose) and you will earn 10% of the profit of the product. 

3) Your earnings will be sent to your bank account every time you reach $50. 

Register For Your Personalized Coupon:

Benefits for you:

Get 10% of the profit in your pocket

10% of the profit made from the sale would be yours! For example, if the profit is $100 then you'll get $10 on each sale. If 100 items are sold, you'll make $1000.

Gift people instead of saying thank you

Gift people something every time you want to thank them, ALL FOR FREE! Thank you's have become a cliche's, we all know it. 

Share their satisfaction and happiness

Our gifts are proven to be loved with unmatched premium quality, personalization (connecting hearts to hearts) and usefulness.

Profit for 1 entire year & then renew!

Once you're setup you can make money doing nothing for a complete year! Just register once and enjoy profits sitting on your couch! 

People will remember you forever

Research has shown that people never tend to forget what you gift them! And in this case, the gift is on us, you just have to share it.

Research-driven & proven gifts

All the gifts at GiftAFeeling are based on research done by University of Berkeley, BBC, and clinical psychologists; thus, they are proven to be loved!
